Early Stages of Development of a New Paradigm for Cosmology and Nuclear Physics The accompanying report with the title “Structural Fundamentals of our Perceived Universe” is a landmark report covering the early development, over the past twenty years, of a new paradigm for Cosmology and Nuclear Physics. The simple approach of three physical dimensions plus time, or four dimensional spacetime, did not seem adequate for Cosmology, so a simple change was adopted to make things appear clearer. It was specified that the individual elements in descriptions and equations were not simple single items, but rather were dual product elements of simple component elements and a group that provided time and some other aspects. Then to minimize complexity, it was specified that things that were of constant duration were merely continuing repeats of the situation for unit atomic time. This meant that for the simplest perceptions, where the time group was treated as a singular element, we required a minimum of four physical length elements. This resulted in a system of four physical lengths, with one length not being perceived except as duration, but not as geometry. In mid 1979, after acquiring a copy of Sir Arthur Eddington’s book “Fundamental Theory” from a “Rare Book” dealer, I embarked on a process of pouring over the first six chapters for several months. The material was of a nature that I was ill prepared to handle, so progress was very slow. Eventually I began to appreciate what he was trying to do in uniting the Quantum approach with General Relativity. I don’t think anyone to date has accomplished this for the full size ranges. In the process I encountered several items that were quite suggestive, such as derivation of the probable number of neutral particles (N) possible in wave-function space, the general gravitation constant G, his factor b for adjusting results for a six space, his deduction that the sixteen numbers in his E number system could represent rotations in a six space, his assumption that mass-units were point events, that his adjustment factor b was sized for a six dimension relationship and needed adjustment by a root ranging down to a sixth root if only a single dimension was affected; but there was nothing indicating a potential connection between the number of mass-units and the volume of space at a given age. As a result of the missing last item, there was insufficient information to utilize in the cosmological aspect of universe emergence. After the period of intense immersion in Eddington’s book, followed by a number of standard texts, my intuition prompted me to try out an independent derivation of the general gravitation constant G. In this process the setup was such as to allow for the presence of a universal field without specifying the source. This lead to an expression for G that involved the square of the three-space volume of a mass-unit. This in turn was dependent upon having a good value for the radius of a mass-unit, plus some other unidentified component. Exploring the probable components contributing to a mass-unit radius involved the quantum length Lh, p/2 and something else. This resolved into e-1 (on a numerical basis) and something related to a binary probability as 25/8 . The result was a radius quite close to the conventional measured value near 1.186 x 10-13 cm. It was quite a long time before I recognized the factor as a dual function element: it was a probability modifier, and an example of the deliberate inclusion of design intent in an equation. With the possibility that both real and imaginary coefficients` of the four primary length elements could be required, and with the ratio between corresponding real an imaginary coefficients being the same for each of the four directions, then we had eight degrees of freedom constrained to five. This factor 25/8 was what I called a “probability actualization factor”. Something similar eventually showed up in a number of places fixing the actual binary probabilities at selected design levels. Using the new theoretical value for a mass-unit radius in the gravitation equation now yielded a value quite close to the newest measured value for G, and it involved incorporation of an aspect of the universal field that went unrecognized for a while. As a starting point for further investigation, the total universal field was considered to be the summed result of all the gravitational contributions of individual mass-units, as though G was a feedback relation that stabilized the total universal field intensity. This path also lead to calculation of the total system matter mass, as well as the relation between total universe matter mass and the value of Planck’s constant. In addition it lead to selection of the change in the probability actualization constant of one component element in universe matter-mass with age, as a linear function of age expressed in radians for the age phase angle between normal energy matter units and negative energy matter units in the pre-emergence universe structure. Then the value of e-1 as it appeared in the equation for a mass-unit radius was identified as being the dot product square of the universal field intensity in a unit of atomic time. The numerical value appeared to be accurate to one digit in sixteen places in total effect, when using a particular sixteen element portion of an infinite series form for computing the value of e-1 . While all of this was going on in terms of nuclear structure values, there were developments that had an impact upon cosmology. It was discovered that the perceived space volume was dependent upon mass-unit volume and universe age angle. Perceived three-space volume was found to be the summed interaction product of each and every three-space volume of normal pre-emergence matter unit with the inverse of each and every negative matter units three-space volume and the sine cubed of the age phase angle between the two types of pre-emergence matter. This was a cornerstone item in developing a consistent cosmology that was in good agreement with observational results. It also supplemented the indications that our perceived universe was a cyclic subsystem in a higher dimensional universe. Thus it was necessary to examine how this interacted to produce an emergence process totally different than the conventional “Big Bang”, while still yielding an early stage rising temperature phase with a maximum temperature almost up to the electron - positron threshold temperature of 5.93 x 109 oK.
The implications of this work on the future of progress in Cosmology
and Nuclear Physics can only be dimly sensed from what we now know, but we
should be encouraged to follow up on the findings because of the clues left by
some ancient culture . These
clues are contained in the Occult literature and in the structure of the great
pyramid in Egypt that seem to imply that, if we recognized them, then we were
probably on the right path to avoid a waste of time on further work on the
dead end of the conventional approaches. December 1999 Henry F. Myers Download Structural Fundamentals of our Perceived Universe PDF version 932 K Compressed PDF version 857 K
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